My survivor Story

Sunday, August 4, 2013

Lean Animal Protein

We have to eat protein everyday because we can't store protein like we can carbohydrates and fats. Our bodies beak down into amino acids, which function as building blocks .Our cells combine with amino acids to make our muscles bones hormones skin and blood.

When we think about protein we don't usually think about our hair and how protein helps hair and nails.

Plant proteins are the leanest but, there are lean animal proteins also:

 Fish is the best source of lean protein, fish has 39 grams of protein, even the fatty fish like salmon has 13 grams of fat and is considered a lean source of protein. Their fat contains omgea-3 fatty acids, which helps decrease the risk of heart disease. It also helps to improve memory and depression.

Poultry-chicken and turkey breast gives you lots of protein and low fat- has over 40 grams of protein.

eggs-you can eat just egg whites or according to the American heart association healthy adults can safely eat one whole egg a day.

dairy-low fat milk, yogurt, cheddar, and cottage cheese.

Plant-sources are incomplete proteins because they do not have all of the amino acids in them, so you need to combine different varieties to make a complete protein.

U should get at least 1 gram of protein for every 3 pounds of your body weight daily, of course it also depends on your activity level, you may need even more protein.


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