My survivor Story

Saturday, August 3, 2013

Diabetes and Hair loss

Hair for a healthily person will grow about half an inch a month. All hair has a resting phase. When someone has diabetes their hair follicles are slower and spend longer in the resting phase. The hair won't replace its self as fast as it usually does.
Diabetics have poor circulation, causing wounds to heal much slower. Also circulatory problems can affect the growth of your hair. When the natural growth cycle slows down it causes the hair to become thin.
The immune system of a diabetic is prone to infections. It is common to have infections on the scalp. Diabetics have fungal diseases and infections directly in the hair follicles.
Nutrition can't be stressed enough, to help promote hair growth. Once the blood sugar levels are under control by diet and medication, it should improve hair growth.
                                                                                                              Diabetes foundation

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